Culture and the Art of Communication

    Culture and the Art of Communication
    • Type of activity: Education
    • Institution: "Luceafarul" Creation Center
    • Age: 5-21 years
    • Payment: Free
    • Teaching language: Russian
    • Registration: 01-30 September
    • Availability: Registration unavailable outside of enrollment periods

    Within this circle, children learn to feel words, reflect on them, develop speaking and expressive reading skills, work on diction and articulation, develop memory and skills to express themselves in front of the audience and on stage. Dreams, friendship and communication - all these can be learned in the Culture and Art of Communication circle

    Working with texts and speeches, children develop their memory and the ability to remember and recite speeches or poems. The circle helps them overcome their fear of public speaking and gain confidence in their own ability to communicate. And while working on speeches and presentations, children learn to think critically, analyze and synthesize information.

    These skills developed in the circle will help them in the future in many aspects of life. Proper understanding of communication and expression skills will be useful in education, career and interpersonal relationships. This activity also provides opportunities for the development of creative skills, and the self-confidence gained can serve as a solid foundation for success in various fields.

     To mention: The hours of activity are established in September, depending on the formation of the groups, according to the age of the beneficiaries.

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    • Name of activity
    • Culture and the Art of Communication
    • Leader
    • Ovcinicova Natalia
    Preliminary application
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