December 18, 2023

Seats with Cultural Echo "From the world gathered and to St. Ap. Andrii repaired"

Seats with Cultural Echo "From the world gathered and to St. Ap. Andrii repaired"

The session "From the world gathered and to St. Ap. Andrew repaired" was organized by the CC "Luceafărul" collective. The traditions of the ancestors came to life through the voices of the children and young people who participated in the celebration.

Our project partners from Romania were present with us at the event:
💠National College "Gh. Roşca Codreanu", Bârlad - Mr.
Prof. Iulian Maxim 💠Children's Club "Spiru Haret", Bârlad - Mrs. Popescu Mariana
💠High School "I. Antonovici", Bârlad - Mr. Prof. Plesu Constantin Corneliu

Hearts vibrated and beat louder when the Flok Group "Ecou" came on stage, and with their own repertoire they crowned the event with a special musical bouquet, the songs awakening positive memories and emotions in the ranks of those present, through the traditions and traditions presented in front of the public.

We would like to thank Cahul City Hall, especially Mr. Nicolae Dandis and Natalia Culeva for their involvement and responsiveness. We thank the "Nicolae Botgros" Palace of Culture to Mrs. Rodica Panașescu, who warmly offered us the requested space and decor.

Folk traditions remain our most precious treasure and we must do everything possible to keep them alive for all people. The activity is part of the cross-border project "United in thought and feeling".
