Dramatic Art

    Dramatic Art
    • Type of activity: Art
    • Institution: "M.Cebotari" School of Music
    • Age: 7-13 years
    • Payment: For a fee
    • Teaching language: Romanian/Russian
    • Registration: June 1-10, August 15-31
    • Availability: Registration unavailable outside of enrollment periods

    The "Dramatic Art" profile offered by the "M. Cebotari" is a unique opportunity for children to explore the fascinating world of performing arts and develop their acting talent in a professional and stimulating environment.

    During 5 years of study, children are guided and guided to discover and develop their artistic skills, and at the end of the program, they receive specialized diplomas in Acting.
    In the group lessons, children explore the mastery of the actor, learn stage movement in all its forms: rhythmic, plastic, dance, and train in collective exercises that develop their creativity and team spirit. They are also familiar with the history of national and universal theater, which helps them understand and appreciate the richness of theatrical culture.

     In individual lessons, each child focuses on developing specific skills, such as speaking, expressing emotions and playing characters, and is encouraged to discover their own voice and style within the musical instrument and singing.

    Through this activity, children benefit from a wide and varied experience in the world of dramatic art, and every aspect of the program contributes to their holistic development, training them as artists and giving them the tools to express their creativity and talents in a authentic and fulfilling way.
    To mention: The hours of activity are established in September, depending on the formation of the groups, according to the age of the beneficiaries.

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    • Name of activity
    • Dramatic Art
    • Leader
    • Rodica Zbîrciog
    Preliminary application
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