December 21, 2023

How the "Enchanted Bells" musical event took place in the premises of the "M. Cebotari" music school

How the "Enchanted Bells" musical event took place in the premises of the "M. Cebotari" music school

Today, in the premises of the "M. Cebotari" music school, a very special musical event took place - the concert entitled "Enchanted bells".

Although this seemed like a simple holiday concert, in reality - a real exam for the students of the 1st grades of the music school.

The surprise guest of the evening was embodied by none other than Santa Claus himself. Santa brought smiles to the children's faces and gave away sweets as much as he could.

The event was a wonderful experience for all involved. The children had the chance to showcase their artistic talent and face the emotions of appearing on stage, thus increasing their self-confidence.

Congratulations to the little ones for their impressive evolution and thanks to the teachers and organizers, who made considerable efforts to make this concert possible.

We look forward to more successful music events in the near future!
