02 February 2024

First prize - at the International Competition in Romania, Giurgiu.

 First prize - at the International Competition in Romania, Giurgiu.

With great joy and pride, we announce that the Vocal-Instrumental Folk Ensemble of the "Maria Cebotari" Music School won 1st place at the "Children's Carol" International Vocal-Instrumental Interpretation Competition! https://bit.ly/3UpAJSz

Through your passion and skill, you brought home the highest place on the podium, representing the "Maria Cebotari" School of Music with dignity and promoting the beauty of our traditions in this international competition.

Thank you for the effort, for your dedication and for every note that conveyed emotion and authenticity:
Mirciu Livia (teacher),
Veceslav Bîrcă (violin),
Anastasia Pasat-Casian (cobza).
Students from the Folkloric Ensemble:
Postu Ivan,
Gîrnet Darius,
Bîrcă Anastasia,
Olteanu Iustina,
Săcăreanu Anastasia,
Luchița Alexandrina
Pîslari Andreea,
Repesciuc Daria,
Pascal Lorena.

Source : cahulactiv